The Cabin Crew Member (CCM) are addressed to people with communication skills interested in the commercial aviation field, eager to know the world and relate to people from other cultures, far from offices and ordinary life.
Flight Attendants are responsible of carrying out flight operations before and after each flight, and on-board care and assistance applying the rules, regulations and established procedures.
Embrace a high flight profession. Have fun on your job with the Cabin Crew (CC) EASA European Certificate. Open up a different window every day (Paris, Rome, Milan…
Location Av. 25 de septiembre, 8 Madrid (available parking), timetable (M-F): morning: 10:00 to 14:00.
Which companies and aircrafts can I work for?
The title provided by accredited schools is valid to work in all EASA airlines. After completion of the initial course, the airline will train the professional in the specific airplane he will operate..
Can I work in more than one airplane type?
Yes, flight attendants can exercise their duties in up to three different aircrafts. These will be included in the Cabin Crew license and a refreshment course will be held yearly to maintain the license valid and current.
What are the entrance requirements to enroll?.
General requirements are the following: to be at least 18 years of age, CC aeronautic medical certificate, baccalaureate, command of the English language and to be able to swim 100 meters in less than two and half minutes. This last requirement will be trained during the swimming practice.
Where can I get the medical certificate?
Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Dr. Juán José Cantón)
C/Castelló, 80 – Tel.: 91.643.78.66 (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 to10:00)
Hospital de día Pío XII (Dr. Jon Burzaco)
C/ Cuesta del Sagrado Corazón, 4 – Telephone: 91 353 15 10
How are the course official exams?
There are two exams: A theoretical multiple-choice test with only one valid answer and a practical exam with exercises such as rescue, first aid, cabin fire fighting, emergency procedures, etc.
What happens if I fail?
The student is entitled to retake another exam during the next school examination period. If the student needs to reinforce concepts or the practice of swimming, he will be able to sign up for additional training hours.
Does the passenger cabin crew license expire?
Validity of the certificate is limited in time unless revoked by the authority or not exercising its Cabin Crew duties in the last 60 months. In this case, a refresher course can be held.
How long will take to complete the course?
The estimated duration is 6 weeks. Since we have our own simulators and instructors, it is largely in line with the planned duration. The course will be subject to the examiner availability authorized by the Aviation Safety Agency (AESA)